11 October, 2010

First Day of School

Monday has arrived and we're still in a hotel, waiting for the house we've rented to become vacant so we can move in.  That could happen as early as Thursday, or as late as next Monday--in any case, the end is in sight. 

Today also marks a new beginning, as it's Caoilte's first day at his new primary school.  We bought his uniforms and school supplies on Saturday before we headed over to Giant's Causeway for the afternoon, and last night we even managed to get to bed early, which, for us, means before 2300.  This morning Caoilte didn't tarry long in bed - he got up, took a shower, and got all dolled up ready for his first day.  He looked lovely!  

Yes, he has to wear a tie!!!

Preparing for the school day while you're living in a hotel presents some special challenges, and for me the main one is packing a healthy lunch when I've no refrigerator or kitchen in which to prepare one.  I booked a bed and breakfast rate, so breakfast is taken care of, but lunch will have to be accomplished each morning on the way to school.  This morning we stopped by Costcutter in Ballybofey, as they have a deli that prepares sandwiches.  Caoilte got a ham and cheese, and also bought an apple, a Ribena juice box, and a cheese and breadsticks dip packet.  The school has a school milk programme, so he'll also get a carton of milk each day at snack time.  His school has a healthy eating policy that says sweets and other less healthy snacks may only be brought on Fridays, and the other children (all ten of them!) are apparently militant about monitoring each other's lunches for contraband, so we'll see if his lunch today passes muster.  He's been really excited to meet some new friends and get back into the social swing of things.  I'm grateful he has the opportunity to have friends again, as we haven't lived in a neighbourhood with children since we left Cavan Upper last August.  

Back at the hotel I find myself a bit lonely.  I've a lot to do today, some things I've been avoiding and absolutely must take care of, but I'll leave all that for another update.  

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